Summer vacation is basically one long-ass weekend, right? Image: Tim Gouw/Unsplash.
I don’t care if we eat hot dogs all summer long. Go ahead and judge me.
Many schools around the nation are already well settled into summer break. Here in NYC, we have a week to go — and I’m ready for it!
I’m ready to not spend my mornings (or afternoons) waiting for a late school bus, dealing with homework, making sure the school uniform is clean, packing lunches — gosh, I could go on and on.
Being a work-from-home-mom, I used to kind of loathe summer because it meant balancing activities and still trying to get all my stuff done, but this year is different.
I’m allowing myself to take it slow (probably because I have no choice, being 32 weeks pregnant) and enjoy being a mama this summer.
To add to my shift in perspective, here are some other things I’m going to just avoid doing to ensure greater happiness during these hot months:
1. Using the stove
While this might sound silly to some of you, we live in a tiny city apartment with air conditioning only in a couple bedrooms, so turning on our stove makes it hot, hot, hot!
This summer, I’m swearing off the stove; my family will survive on a mix of crock pot meals, anything that can be cooked in the microwave, and our little George Foreman grill.
I don’t care if we eat hot dogs all summer long. Go ahead and judge me.
2. Stressing about getting into a bathing suit
Last summer I was on a crusade against body shaming and vowed to wear a bikini all summer long — which I did do. I created the best memories with my family because I just got in the effing water and had fun.
My pregnant body is not getting into a bikini this year. I have no desire to put ANY stress on getting in a bathing suit.
3. Setting a rigid bedtime routine
I’m all about routines and, quite honestly, I generally think they are the best.
But these last few weeks, I have noticed that my son is just burnt the eff out with school. He needs some time to unwind, be a kid, stay up late, and do his thing.
Who am I to interfere with that?
4. Making my son take a bath every day
Pool, beach, sprinklers — they count as baths, right?
This year, I’m just letting go of demanding the daily bath or shower.
Less stress, more time to relax.
5. Waking up early
The early bird gets the worm!
I’ve been a stickler in the past about keeping my alarm set and waking up before my son to get work done. But then I noticed something about a month ago — I was starting to look forward to weekends again because it meant sleeping in a little bit.
And summer vacation is basically one long-ass weekend, right? Yes!
So I’m turning off the alarm and letting my body tell me when it’s time to wake up.
Are you letting go of anything this summer to be a happier mom?